Global Partnerships

As followers of Jesus, we are called to carry His name around the globe.

Panguma, Sierra Leone

We are fortunate to partner in ministry with siblings in Christ in Panguma, Sierra Leone, with a special emphasis on the children. The ultimate goal is self-sustainability for the community.

Our commitment to Panguma is only as good as the commitment from our church family and friends. Our success is dependent upon the generosity of others through donations of time, talent and money.

Tlancualpican, Mexico

Join Camp Hill UMC as we serve Christ while being immersed in the reality of life in rural Mexico. Bring your willingness to learn about yourself and others to this cross-cultural experience through tangible work and study with Give Ye Them To Eat (GYTTE).


“Missionaries serve as agents of God’s transformation. They do not go and fix problems on behalf of others — they go to be in ministry with the local community. They go to learn, listen and serve as witnesses of God’s transforming grace and power.”

(Judy Chung, executive director of Missionary Service for the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries)